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Extended DISC?? is a psychometric and workplace assessment tool designed to help individuals, teams and organisations to become more successful. Extended DISC?? provides easy to use information on how to modify human behaviour. Extended DISC?? supports individuals and businesses to improve relationships, communication and key aspects of business such as Leadership and Management.
Extended DISC?? assessments are based on concepts of human behaviour from well renowned psychologists and behavioural theorists. Today Extended DISC?? assessments are part of the daily management system of thousands of organisations all around the world, with over one million assessments completed annually.
History of DISC: Carl Jung (1875 ??? 1961)
The Extended DISC?? Assessment Suite is based on a psychological theory developed in the 1920’s.
Carl G. Jung, a well renowned Swiss psychiatrist, created the foundations of the theory in his book, The Psychological Types. His ideas were based on a two behavioural axis chart:
This formed the foundation of the four quadrant model.
History of DISC: William Moulton Marston (1893 ??? 1947)
The work of Jung was further developed by William Moulton Marston, an American Psychologist. He was also the inventor of the Wonder Woman Comics and the Lie Detector!
Marston viewed people behaving along two axes; one indicating whether an individual is more passive or active; and the other on the individual???s perception of the environment as being more favourable or antagonistic.
By placing the axes at the right angles, four quadrants form with each describing a behavioural pattern:
Extended DISC?? Assessment Suite Background
Extended DISC?? was founded in 1991 by Jukka Sappinen, an MBA graduate from the Helsinki School of Economics who spent his early professional years consulting clients with the use of psychometric tools.
A profound understanding of the gap between existing tools and corporate needs enabled Jukka to develop what his clients were looking for – a comprehensive tool set that could be used to generate understandable, integrated information on an individual, team management, or entire organisation.
The instrument was developed and honed over several years (1991 ??? 1994), in Finland with the cooperation of key clients and experts in psychology, statistics, HR, consulting and IT. In 1994, Extended DISC?? was launched and was introduced to international markets in 1997.
Extended DISC?? is one of the top five psychometric tools in the field today, and has spread to over 80 countries, with an annual growth rate of 20-50%. The FinxS?? Online Platform, powered by Extended DISC??, has been translated into 70 languages and is used by thousands of people around the world every day.
Extended DISC?? is the world???s fastest growing assessment system. A position maintained by continuing its important research and development work, far outpacing competitors in innovation and customisation of highly validated profiles and related products. At the time of it’s launch back in 1994, Extended DISC?? was the first computer based application of it’s kind, surpassing all other competitors who were using paper based questionnaires.
FinxS??, the Extended DISC?? online operating system, is the most flexible and customisable assessment suite currently on the market with development continuing on a day to day basis.
Extended DISC?? is validated and periodically re-validated around the world to ensure reliability and accuracy. In comparison, there are other assessment tools that generate their reports when the respondent answers inconsistently or even by blindly selecting random answers. In order to maintain our high standards, we use the University of Oulu (Linnanmaa, Finland) to validate our tool on a regular basis. One of the strengths of our DISC Assessments is that we will not produce a report if we cannot clearly identify a person???s DISC style. We never generate results unless the results are clearly valid. You don???t want results that could be misleading. This situation is called an ???invalid profile???. There are different reasons for invalid results, including overthinking, second-guessing, rushing, distraction, etc. The underlying reason for an invalid profile is that the person did not respond consistently to the 24 questions. As a result, it is not possible to identify the person???s style.
Extended DISC?? does not force you to select from a few off-the-shelf reports. Rather, it allows you to:
Customize the reports for content, length, pictures, colors, logos, page order, etc. to provide the most relevant and user-friendly assessments.
Provide results that are relevant and specific to the roles (E.g., Executives, Managers, Salespeople, Customer Service Representatives, Team Members, Students, Athletes, etc.).
Provide assessments that are practical and specific to your industry.
Create Pair, Team, Department, Division, and even Organizational assessments without having to ask employees to complete additional questionnaires.
Have access to Executive Dashboard making it an incredibly powerful, real-time OD tool.
Tailored to your unique needs, preferences, job roles and industry
One questionnaire can create multiple reports at no additional cost
Create Pair, DISC Team, Group and Organization Assessments at no additional cost